How to Hide a Page in WordPress: Quick and Easy Guide

Understanding Page Visibility in WordPress

As a WordPress user, you have the ability to control the visibility of your pages. You can choose to make them public, private, or password protected. Understanding the different visibility options and their implications can help you make informed decisions about how to manage your content.

Visibility Options: Public, Private, and Password Protected

When you create a new page in WordPress, you will see a Visibility panel in the Page Attributes section of the editor. This panel allows you to choose the visibility of your page. The three options are:

  • Public: This is the default option. It means that your page is visible to everyone who visits your website, including search engines.
  • Private: This option makes your page visible only to logged-in users with the appropriate permissions. It is useful for creating pages that are only relevant to specific groups of people, such as members of an organization or employees of a company.
  • Password Protected: This option allows you to set a password for your page. Visitors who want to view the page will need to enter the password to access it. This is useful for creating pages that contain sensitive information or that you want to restrict access to.

The Role of Search Engines in Page Visibility

If you choose to make your page public, it will be visible to search engines like Google. This means that people who search for relevant keywords may find your page in their search results. If you want to improve the visibility of your page in search engines, you can use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to optimize your content and improve your page’s ranking.

If you choose to make your page private or password protected, it will not be visible to search engines. This can be useful if you want to keep your content private or if you don’t want it to be indexed by search engines.

In summary, understanding page visibility options in WordPress is crucial for managing your content and protecting your privacy. Whether you want to make your page public, private, or password protected, WordPress gives you the flexibility to choose the visibility option that best suits your needs.

Methods to Hide a Page in WordPress

As a WordPress user, there are several methods to hide a page in WordPress. In this section, I will discuss the different methods you can use to hide a page in WordPress.

Using WordPress Settings to Hide Pages

One of the easiest ways to hide a page in WordPress is by using the WordPress settings. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the page you want to hide.
  2. Click on the “Edit” button for that page.
  3. In the “Publish” box on the right-hand side of the screen, click on the “Visibility” option.
  4. Select the “Private” option.
  5. Click on the “Update” button to save your changes.

Once you have completed these steps, the page will be hidden from your website visitors.

Hiding Pages with Plugins

Another method to hide a page in WordPress is by using plugins. There are several plugins available that allow you to hide pages from search engines, protect sensitive information, and prevent duplicate content. Some popular plugins for this purpose include the “Hide Pages” plugin and the “WP Hide Post” plugin.

To use these plugins, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install and activate the plugin of your choice.
  2. Navigate to the page you want to hide.
  3. In the editor, look for the plugin settings and select the option to hide the page.
  4. Save your changes.

Manual Methods: Editing Robots.txt and Using Meta Tags

If you prefer to manually hide a page in WordPress, you can do so by editing your website’s robots.txt file or using meta tags.

To edit your website’s robots.txt file, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your website’s hosting account.
  2. Navigate to the root directory of your website.
  3. Look for the robots.txt file and open it in a text editor.
  4. Add the “Disallow” command followed by the URL of the page you want to hide.
  5. Save your changes.

Alternatively, you can use meta tags to hide a page in WordPress. To do this, you can follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the page you want to hide.
  2. In the editor, look for the “HTML” or “Text” tab.
  3. Add the “noindex” meta tag to the page’s header section.
  4. Save your changes.

Overall, these are some of the methods you can use to hide a page in WordPress. Whether you choose to use WordPress settings, plugins, or manual methods, it’s important to choose the method that works best for you and your website.

Enhancing SEO While Hiding Pages

As a website owner, you may need to hide some pages on your WordPress website for various reasons. However, hiding pages can affect your site’s SEO, and you need to ensure that search engines can still find and index your site’s pages. In this section, I’ll discuss how to balance visibility and SEO while hiding pages on your WordPress website.

Balancing Visibility and SEO

When hiding pages on your WordPress website, you need to balance visibility and SEO. You want to hide pages from users who shouldn’t see them, while still ensuring that search engines can find and index your site’s pages.

One way to do this is by using the ‘noindex’ tag. This tag tells search engines not to index a page, but it still allows them to crawl and follow links on the page. You can add the ‘noindex’ tag to a page by editing the page’s HTML code or by using an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO.

Another way to balance visibility and SEO is by using a robots.txt file. This file tells search engines which pages they can and cannot crawl on your website. You can use this file to hide pages from search engines while still allowing them to be visible to users who have the direct link.

SEO Plugins for Managing Page Visibility

There are several SEO plugins available for managing page visibility on your WordPress website. These plugins can help you hide pages from search engines while still ensuring that your site’s pages are visible to users who have the direct link.

One popular SEO plugin for managing page visibility is Yoast SEO. This plugin allows you to add the ‘noindex’ tag to a page, which tells search engines not to index the page. You can also use this plugin to create an XML sitemap, which helps search engines find and index your site’s pages.

Another SEO plugin for managing page visibility is All in One SEO. This plugin allows you to hide pages from search engines by adding the ‘noindex’ tag to a page. You can also use this plugin to create an XML sitemap and manage other aspects of your site’s SEO strategy.

In conclusion, hiding pages on your WordPress website can affect your site’s SEO, but you can balance visibility and SEO by using the ‘noindex’ tag, a robots.txt file, or an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO. By managing your site’s page visibility, you can ensure that search engines can find and index your site’s pages while still hiding pages from users who shouldn’t see them.

Managing Access to Hidden WordPress Pages

When it comes to hiding WordPress pages, one of the most important aspects is managing access to these pages. There are several ways to do this, depending on your specific needs and the type of content you are trying to protect.

Creating Exclusive Content with Password Protection

One way to manage access to hidden WordPress pages is by password-protecting them. This is a great option if you want to create exclusive content that is only available to a select group of people. For example, if you run a business and want to provide special offers to your loyal customers, you can create a hidden page with a password that only they can access.

To password-protect a page in WordPress, you can use the built-in password protection feature. Simply create a new page or edit an existing one, and then click on the “Visibility” option. From there, you can choose the “Password protected” option and enter a strong password.

It’s important to note that password protection is not foolproof, so you should always use a strong password and avoid using easily guessable passwords like “password” or “123456”. Additionally, you should test your password-protected pages to make sure they are working properly and that unauthorized users cannot access them.

Restricting Page Access to Logged-In Users

Another way to manage access to hidden WordPress pages is by restricting access to logged-in users only. This is a good option if you want to create content that is only available to registered users, such as members of a community or subscribers to your website.

To restrict access to a page in WordPress, you can use a plugin like Members or Restrict User Access. These plugins allow you to create custom user roles and restrict access to certain pages based on those roles. For example, you can create a “Premium Member” role and then restrict access to certain pages to only users with that role.

It’s important to note that restricting access to logged-in users only is not foolproof either, as users can still share their login credentials with others. However, it does provide an extra layer of protection and can be a good option for certain types of content.

In conclusion, managing access to hidden WordPress pages is an important aspect of protecting sensitive information and creating exclusive content. By using password protection and restricting access to logged-in users only, you can ensure that your content is only available to those who are authorized to view it.

Advanced Techniques for Page Hiding

Customizing Appearance with CSS and Page Builders

If you want to hide a page in WordPress, you can use CSS code to customize the appearance of your website. CSS code can be used to change the font, color, and layout of your website. You can also use page builders to customize the appearance of your website. Elementor is a popular page builder that allows you to create custom pages with ease.

Setting Up Maintenance and Coming Soon Pages

If you want to hide a page in WordPress, you can set up maintenance or coming soon pages. These pages can be used to let your visitors know that your website is under construction or undergoing maintenance. You can use the SeedProd plugin to create a coming soon or maintenance page. This plugin allows you to customize your page and add a countdown timer to let your visitors know when your website will be back online.

You can also use the maintenance mode feature in WordPress to hide your website from unwanted users. When maintenance mode is enabled, your website will display a message that your website is undergoing maintenance. This is a great way to protect sensitive information and prevent duplicate content from being published.


In conclusion, there are many ways to hide a page in WordPress. You can use page editing options, page visibility settings, exclude pages from navigation menus, password protection, or use advanced techniques such as custom CSS code, maintenance and coming soon pages. It is important to choose the right method for your needs and make sure your website is not publicly accessible during the process. You can also use plugins like Yoast WordPress plugin to hide your blog posts from caches and search engines. With these techniques, you can protect sensitive information and keep your website secure.